Thursday 26 November 2020

My First Haiku Poem

 WALT Write a haiku poem. It is a poem based on syllables and follows a pattern of 5-7-5. 

Bumble bees are cute.

Bumble bees are two colors

Bumblebees fly high!



Thursday 19 November 2020

My report on guinea pigs!!

 Guinea pigs are pets and they are cute little fluffy creatures. 

They no longer live in the wild. That means if you go for a walk at the park you won't see a Guinea pig. Guinea pigs can be brown,white and black they are very friendly and cute.

Another name for a Guinea pig is called a cavy. Guinea pigs live in small families  Guinea pigs are herbivores so they eat plants, grass, vegetables and fruit.

There cute animals lick people when they are happy and they sniff the air!! Guinea pigs live until they are 7-9 years old. Their teeth are constantly growing so it's important for them to chew to wear them down.  

I love guinea pigs they are great pets but not when they eat your grass. I love guinea pigs. 

Your guinea pigs' health: what to look out for | Wood Green - The Animals  Charity

Wednesday 11 November 2020

My shool trip

 On Friday the 6th of November 2020 Room 4 went on a field trip to the museum, library and Margaret Mahy. We went with Room 1.

In the morning, we went over some rules and hopped on the bus. We had to wait for room 1 to get on. It was rainy and cold and it warmed up a little bit.

The bus dropped us off at Margaret Mahy. We ate morning tea and got in our groups. I was with Sophie's Mum Londyn,Indi,Sophie and Charlie. I went on the silver slide, giant green slide, spider web and  trampolines. 

After we played, we walked to the library. When we got there we did a lego challenge. It was so hard! We had to build a native bird in 2 minutes!! I didn't even get started  because I couldn't make my mind up. Then I played on the playground. Unfortunately, we all got kicked off the playground because the boys were being too loud. So I played in the dress up room. l dressed up really silly. Afterwards, Eva and I cleaned up the dress up room because it was really messy. 

The librarian gave me this hell pizza circle thing and we helped her clean up. Then we had to leave to go and have lunch at the botanic gardens. We had to walk to the museum, it was so far. We ate lunch at the botanic gardens and had a play.

When we played in the trees we saw a sick owl it was so cool. Then we went to the museum. We met this guy there and he showed us games from the olden days. I was one of the volunteers. We got to see the tvs they had in the olden days. After that we caught the bus home.