Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Symmetry art

 W.A.L.T Create Symmetrical art.

In maths we have been learning about geometry particularly symmetry. Today we made symmetry art and I made a cat one  it was a little hard for me because I like drawing small and we had to draw big. We did it by having two coloured peaces of paper then we folded  one in half and drawed our character then cutted half of the character out and stuck the half of your character on the other peace of paper and the other side of the peace of paper the your done.( I explained it a bit complicatedly but when you see the photo you will under stand how we did it.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily,
    How did you come up with doing green and red card, to me it reminds me of Christmas is that why you did it? Is it a cat because it is a little hard to tell, maybe next time make its head a bit more rounder and maybe add some whiskers.


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