Monday 1 March 2021

Finding information about school

 W.A.L.T Find information in texts

The purple writing is my answers

  1. What date is the Holy Thursday Mass? Thursday 1 April

  2. Who is visiting on the 7th of May?  Elgrego

  3. What do you not need to worry about if you go along to the PT FA meeting? you won’t get stuck on a committee

  4. Who are the Board chair and the Board secretary at NBC? Miss stanes

  5. Who do you book subway with? ezlunch.

  6. What has been found at NBC? glasses

  7. How many favourite things did Izzy tell us about in her newsletter article? 3

  8. Who is seen stacking rocks? gorge

  9. At what times must all school visitors check in at the office? 8.45am and 2.45pm 

  10. When is the Beach side Movie Night? Friday 12 march

Now time for your questions

  1. What time is the Duffy movie theatre?

  2. When is the cross country ?

  3. What day is staff only day?

  4. When is mass?

  5. What time is Duffy assembly?

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