Thursday 28 October 2021

Drumming at school

 W.A.L.T Reflect on our experiences 

Today The whole school went to the hall to what these kadoo African drummers it was pretty cool. We got to dance , sing and DRUM I was in the second to last group to drum  we used our hand to drum and it heart so bad my hand went RED. We learnt this really catchy  African song but I couldn't pronounce it that good. The dances  we had to do were so weird like we had to do this weird but dance. There was one New Zealand person and two African people. I really enjoyed this here is a photo.


  1. Hi Lily,
    I like how you put in all the details of what happend! The music was a bit weird, but did you have to say that it was? Maybe next time put on how much fun it was! Did you enjoy the African music, or did you dislike it? Anyways I really enjoyed your post, and I think you did well!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. [Sorry I double clicked!!] ]:


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