Tuesday 31 August 2021

Reading to my cat

 Today I read don´t call me bear to my c at Butters. I not shore if he liked me Reading to him but he stayed there  the hole way through.

Writing A Letter To Harold

 W.A.L.T Write a letter

Hi today I have to write a email to Harold here is what I am going to say comment anything I should add.

Hi Harold 

Thats cool you found your old race car track Im not into race cars but cool. This lock down I had my birthday I got a new bike and a go glam the go glam was broken tho but my mum is going to take it back to the shop when lock down is over.  I also did some bike riding and baking sometimes I also Skype my friend. 

I am enjoying lock down but I am missing my friends way to much. I put a birthday tree up because I had to spend my birthday in lock down its a bit messy tho. Have you been doing home school? Cant wait to see you again.

From Lily

How Camp Is Different!

 W.A.L.T make  comparisons

So today I watched a video about a camp and I have to write a list of all the different things from that camp to my camp Here we go....

The weather my camp is all nice and sunny that one was snowy.

That camp were in cabins I camp in tents.

They had play ground there.

No lake or river.

And they had a oven  I don´t use an oven when I go camping.

Whats different about your camp?

Mondays RE

 So this is Mondays re I didn't do it on Monday because it was my birthday. But im getting it done here you go.

Saturday 28 August 2021

Making My Sisters Birthday Cake!

 Today I made my sisters birthday the flavours were banana and chocolate with skittles in the middle.She loved it and it was so good!

Saving a bird

 Today we sore a bird in a ball on the floor and the cat was going to eat it. My sister and I went out side and got the cat away. Then we decided if we were going to see if the bird was safe we decided YES. So we made a wee home for it in a plastic container and my dad drilled 2 holes in the top. After that my dad graved a net and and catch the bird it didn't move when he graved is witch was strange. So my dad put it in its temporary home and my parents went round calling places that would take wild birds. They found this girl online that take care of wild hut bird so my dad and I took it to the girls house. And then we hoped it would stay alive just saying we called it Mr fat fluffy.

Friday 27 August 2021

Crazy Hair Day

 So today it was crazy hair day on google meet I had my hair coming out of a l and p bottle. The rest of my hair was green so it looked like l and p was actually coming out of the bottle my eye brows were even green. This was a competition and guess what... I won and got 5 Toejo points. This took an hour to do but was very easy to make. All you need is A hot glue, head band,bottle,cup and hair.

Prayers With My Sister!

 Today for RE I did prayers with my sister we prayed for things we were grateful for. This was very fun to set up and I enjoyed it.

Cat in closer

 Today I made a cat in closer here it is!

Thursday 26 August 2021

Crab City🦀

This After noon I biked to Crab city it was a LONG bike.  On my sisters bike it has a flat tire but we still went and brag the pump. But a quarter way there the tire went flat so we pumped it up she was still so slow.Then it went flat again so we biked to the nearest street and called my dad. My dad picked My sister and drove to crab city with her and my mum and I biked there. When we got there they said they didn't wait for long so that means we were fast. Then we played for a bit  we were about to leave and we found a DEAD crab and the we left. When we were biking home we went past school it looks so different when theirs no one there.

Stress ball making!

 So today I made a home made stress ball out of balloons flour and water.This was very fun but messy to make. You should definitely  try this here is the link. hope you enjoy!

My Reading Week 5

So I have been  working on these slides for reading and I have Finally finished them. It is about the zoo and critical thinking. This was really fun to do  and was a little bit hard. Through out the slides there are joke comment if they were funny to you because they did not make me laugh. There is 21 slides and a lot of READING. Hope you like it!

Cool Number Story!🤩

 W.A.L.T write a number story

  Lily has 34 cats, Londyn has 14 cats, Sophie has 3 cats, and olive has 16 cats how many would they have all together. imagine Indi came and stole 17 cats how many would they have all together then??


comment your answer 


 W.A.L.T use Hyperbole in our writing

We are learning about Hyperbole's. Here are some of my hyperbole's about my day so far.

I ate my pancakes faster than a cheater. 

I got dressed slower than a snail.

When I woke up my room was messier than a dump.

What Hyperbole describes your day?

Events Of Jesus Life!

 W.A.L.T Understand the story of Jesus

Today for R.E I had this graph and the graph had numbers. There was this link of every that had happened in Jesus life. And I put  photos of each time in order this was kind of hard because I couldn't  really tell what picture was what.So I made do but I might of gotten some wrong🙃

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Blog commenting

 Today I commented on Londyns Mihi for . If you don´t know who Londyn is she is one of my friends and she dose blogging as well. I said this Hi Londyn I LOVE you Mihi. I like how you put a mole and a cat for your last name. What River is that and what made you get interested in wings of fire? If you could change one thing from your Mihi what would it be.From Lily

Wednesday R.E

 WALT: understand the life story of Jesus

Today I watched a video and when the video had finished I wrote down some facts to remember about the video. Then I went through an online bible and found the verses that the fact lead to.
My the verses of my facts are... The name - Jesus is born at Bethlehem Verses - 3-6. This task was easy but the finding the verse and name was the hardest.


 So today I played Matific and i´m up to a really hard stage. If you don´t know what Matific is its a math game and you play different games on that same site you also get stars and each star is a a point into  a big chest and in the chest you get two monsters to go in your monster book. Here´s a photo of the game I was up to.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Fun Beach Day

 Yesterday I went for a bike ride to the beach with my sister and my mum. We went through the domain and went on a lot of bumps to get there. When we got there we made a hut it started just me and then my mum started helping and then my sister helped at the end it turned out really cool. After we made a hut my sister did some maths with shells and feathers.While I was making a sand castle both the hut and sand castle turned out very cool. We took some photos and my sister and I did our lock down pose.Then we left because we were all getting thirsty. When we got the bikes off the sand my sisters back tire went flat and my mum had to call my dad to come pick her up. So Mum and I raced home I was in the lead and then mum was in the lead Mum won tho.It was a fun beach day!

What was it like for kids when Jesus was alive

 W.A.L.T understand the context in which Jesus lived

Here is a slide show of two questions about when Jesus was alive.What questions would you ask?

Zippy Zappy Zoo

 W.A.L.T write alliteration

Hi I am a worker here at zippy zappy zoo and this is my yellow van. Now you might wonder why a bunch of animals are in my car so I live with the animals animals are my life I am a vegetarian so I don´t eat MEAT. I live in a tangled tree top where lots of spiders and infected insects. I have Loins,zebras,giraffes,pandas and meerkats as pets! Iv got a very bossy boss called bob. Hes bald and loves to where swimming togs.


Monday 23 August 2021


 So for my RE I had to take photos of me doing jobs and putting it on a slide show. So here´s my  job slide show.

´¨What jobs do you do?¨

Satistic Review

 W.A.L.T work from home


what are you most looking forward to when you get back to school?

What have you been doing in lock down?

how is having a new house for lock down feeling?


what has been the trickiest work you have done this lock down?           

what was your favourite meal you had for dinner?

did you play with your pets in lock down?


What have YOU been doing this lock down

A dragon and Fred

 W.A.L.T use a similes

One day a little boy called Fred who  was feeding a cute little  dragon a marshmallow on fire. Fred was sitting on a half broken  castle with the marshmallow on a giant fork reaching out into the dragons mouth. The dragon was blue and green with horns as short as a little dwarf coming out of his head. He had big wings coming from his back they are more navy blue than anything else of his body. they were sitting over beautiful bright green  trees and bushes.

Do you notice anything else I have not added in this quick story?

My First Narritive

 W.A.L.T write a narrative

Venom vet  

One cloudy and ordinary day  there were  3 girls Londyn,Olive,Sophie, and Lily and a cat called Butters. That live on 123 baker street In a very old but nice house the third house down. They had very noisy and nosy neighbours named Joseph and Ashlee.¨Hey butters what are you doing?¨ said Londyn. Londyn loves cats; she wants five but Olive wont let her. Sophie is very meh she doesn't care about much, not even Christmas or her birthday!Butters has had a runny nose and sore tummy for weeks but Lily has not been able to take him to the vet because the vet has been busy with animals but today Lily could book him in.                           

 Lily and Butters are hoping in the car¨Are you ready butters we will finally find out what's wrong with you?¨ ¨Meow meow meow¨. Lily thinks that Butters said yes yes let's go to the doctor But Londyns not so shore. Finally they have arrived at the vet and Butters looks the most scared then he has ever been¨He's just scared because he's never been to this vet before I think¨ says Lily quietly. Lily,Londyn and Butters wait in the waiting room for some reason. There are pictures of animals' heads chopped off. Londyn starts to get scared; she doesn't want anything to happen to Butters.

This weird and suspicious girl calls them. First she asks what is wrong with butters or is he here for a normal check. Lily didn't feel suspicious about that because normal vets say that.Londyn said ¨He's been having really runny noses,wont eat and has been acting like he has a sore tummy¨. ¨ What have you been giving him for food¨ said the vet. Lily shrugged her shoulders because usually Olive or Sophie would feed him.   

 The vet said ¨ that's okay we  will look inside him on a x ray¨ Lily did not like the sound of that and Londyn just wanted to go home. ¨ Now I will start giving him a check up and see what will help him¨ said the vet Londyn simled.¨ Okay now here is all of my stuff to see what's wrong with Butter lets get started¨ Said the vet. ¨ so Just talk to the boss and you have to wait in the waiting room while we see what is wrong¨ said the vet. Lily and Londyn was not impressed; they  wanted to make sure butters was all right.  

 ¨Okay. They sighed. ¨Your so dum like a ugly self crying frog¨ Thought Londyn hoping the vet could not read people's minds.  50000000000,0000000 minutes later well It felt like that. ¨Here you go good as new butters give  this medicine twice a day, half a tablespoon and come back in two weeks time¨ Said the boss of the vet. ¨ Why do we need to come in two weeks?'' said Lily, annoyed. ¨ just because Bye pay  next time you come¨ ¨ okay fine bye see you in two weeks¨ said Londyn. ¨ BUTTERS ARE YOU OKAY WHAT DID THEY DO?¨ Lily and Londyn yelled. 

¨ Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow¨ Butters said running out of breath 

The girls couldn't believe that they have to go back in 2 weeks because they don´t have enuf  money. 2 people in their household don´t work and the ones that do work  get paid hardly anything. The government has to pay for their bills and they have to pay for their food. There's only $10 in their savings each week. Lily and Londyn park in there garage Lily gets out of the car and londyn carries Butters inside.¨ Hello we're home¨ yells Lily

`` Hey, how did it go, what's wrong with him¨ says Olive in a cheerful voice. ¨ one we don´t even know whats wrong with him yet two we have to go back in two weeks  three we couldn't go inside the room to make sure buyers were alright and finally we don´t have enuf money¨ yells Londyn madly. ¨ okay it sounds like it was a really bad time but I can start a job maybe that way we will have enough money . said olive hoping it would make Londyn feel better. `` What job do you think you'll ask if you can work at” said Lily interested. “ I don´t know I will look tonight on my computer” said Olive. 

 Two hours later  the girls have gone to bed and Olive is looking at jobs. Sophie is out at the movies watching  descendants with her friend. Her friend Indi Olive only talks to Indi so the girls let them be. Then the girls all woke up and it turned out it was a DREAM!

Sunday 22 August 2021

Sunday Sun Rise

 Toady my Mum woke me up at 6:30 am and we all got dressed and went to the beach with my Sister,Dad,Mum and I. We went To see the sun rise it was so cool and beautiful. We 
walked along the beach and when we were about to leave the sun came up and it was so bright. There was cotton candy pink clouds behind the bright yellow sun.


Milo Cookies

 On Saturday I made Milo cookies with my mum. they were very easy to make  but grow very big  in the oven. after we had made the batter we put them in the oven. We took them out  and they were all stuck together. they had lines through it so we new were to cut. When they had called down  we gave four the the next door they were really yum!

Friday 20 August 2021

Deaf People Graph

 W.A.L.T Make inferences about beliefs of people at different times.

Idea or belief about deaf education 

Language taught at school 

Pros or cons of this method


Deaf people should...

Do sign language.

They should go to a sign language school so they can learn sign language.


Deaf students learn better if...

There was more sign language schools

People should fund raise money to make more sign language schools.


Deaf students have the right to...

Be there self and not have to worry about people bullying them because they're different.

Make people  stop bullying people  just because they're different.

A Strategy I Have Learnt This Week!

 A strategy I have learnt this week is the when you do time tables you just cont on.Say it was  3 times 4 you just go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.

Hope you learnt a trick for your time tables😃🤗

Tuesday 17 August 2021

How To Find A Verse In The Bible

 W.A.L.T teach people
how to find a verse in the bible.

Her is a little video to show you how you find a verse in the bible Hope  it works.


 W.A.L.T reflect on existing experiences

On Tuesday the 17 of august 2021 Emma Twig came to NBC. The Kupahacka group did a show when Emma twig walked in and had sat down it was really loud.  Then we sang the naitoial anthem  She said ¨ the last time I herd the naitoial anthem was when I was up in the podium so it brag back a lot of feeling¨ . After that some students from room 1 was asking questions while her medal was getting passed around. Not every class got to touch the medal so on the way out all the class got to touch it. When room 1 had finished the questions we sang Cover me in sunshine and Miss dines gave her a virtues certificate. Because she show all of our virtues in her race. Then people were taking photos with her  and  asking for her signature.  I didn't ask for her signature because I had no paper. I loved seeing Emma Twig for the first time. My teacher made this video with room 2 and 3  watching
and cheering  for her. It also had her doing her race and her other experience races it was cool. 

Have you ever seen Emma Twig in real life?

Monday 16 August 2021

My Mihi

 This is my Mihi  it was very easy  to make

Thursday 12 August 2021

Maori dictionary

 W.A.L.T Increase our Maori vocabulary 

This is my Maori dictionary

Thursday 5 August 2021

Reading Slide Show Week 2!

 W.A.L.T use critical thinking 

This week I have been doing the critical thinking slide show for reading.It has had activites's about the Olympics in it.  My favourite activity was to create a profile about Auntie Fluff. Do you watch Olympics?

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Auntie fluff

 W.A.L.T read the journal 36 

Here is my Auntie Fluff Olympic chicken. It has every thing a athlete  profile has.

Tuesday 3 August 2021

The boy with wings!!!!!

Today we went to the hall and watched a show. There was a little bit of acting,story telling,singing and puppets. There was a girl called  Bridget that was teaching us about these birds called Godwit. he had a bunch of home made sense made out of boxes they were pretty cool.  It was about this boy called Jack who lived on a hill and he had a dream. His dream was about his great grandmother telling him to look for the boy with wings to save his apple trees.My favourite part was at the end the apple tree lit up I also liked all of the song. Have you ever heard of the story The boy with wings?

W.A.L.T reflect on our experiences                                                                                                          

My News Article - Emma Twigg

 Emma Twigg Proves People Wrong!

By Lily B

Emma Twigg came first in the women's single scull rowing at the Tokyo Olympics last Friday. Everyone in New Zealand was watching her on TV and cheering her on.

'Winning was a dream come true'
Twigg has won gold in her finals. She was about a metre away from all the other people when she crossed the finish line. It looked like she got very wet but she was so happy to get gold.

Twigg was born in 1987 March 1. She was the 2014 world champion and is to complete in her fourth Olympics in Tokyo. Her previous Olympics appearance was in 2008 (ninth place), 2012( fourth place) and 2016 ( fourth place).

In conclusion Twigg is a spectacular rower. Lily never thought that someone from the Olympics would be a boy's auntie from New Brighton Catholic School.

Tokyo Olympics: Perseverance pays sweet dividend for rowing's new golden  star Emma Twigg | Stuff.co.nz

should children be involved it sport?

 W.A.L.T use criticle thinking

What do you think?

Red hat

 W.A.L.T make connections with the texts

So today I did this red hat thing when in the hat I had to write how I felt about sports.

How do you feel about sports?